Saturday, July 7, 2012

running, diet and weight..(part one)

Alright here it is.  My promised blog on the the subject of diet, weight and running.  Let me start out by saying there is a ton of information out there.  Too much for one blog post. One personal note:  I weighed 182 lbs when I graduated from college.  At the start of summer I weighed 160.  I now weigh 152 lbs. 

 Exercise can help in losing weight but what is more important is watching what you eat.  Calories make a difference.  But let me say this.  I don't believe in dieting.  Changes to diet from day to day, yes, but not a week long or month long radical change from what you normally eat.   What I do believe in is small changes.  Changes you can live with.  Like changing from whole milk to 1% milk.  Or from 2% to Skim. (Skim extra is great!)  Stay away from simple carbs.  Avoid white bread, white rice and pasta (unless it is whole wheat.)  Of course eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.  If you want to eat bread, make sure it is 100% whole wheat or a bread that has at least the same amount of fiber and protein as 100% whole wheat bread.  Stay away from soda pop or at least cut back.  Cut down on juice.  Smoothies made with fruit and yoghurt are better. Just not every day. Drink plenty of water.  Keep junk food out of the house.  Better off snacking on fruit and nuts than cookies and candy.  Raw cashews, raw almonds, unsalted peanuts are nice.  Just don't eat too many at once.  Try not to eat in front of the tv or computer.  You won't feel satisfied as soon.  Better to  focus on what you are eating.  Then go watch tv or surf the web.  Also be sure that you eat some protein at each meal. You won't feel hungry right away if you do so. Doesn't have to be meat but that is one option.  Kashi cereals have good amounts of protein.   Beans, eggs, and tofu are also good sources of protein. Peanut butter.  Cheeses also have protein but be wary of those with a lot of fat and calories.  Don't overdo it with the shredded cheese.  Less is better.

Now running and other forms of vigorous exercise are helpful in losing weight.  My long runs on Saturday burn up close to 2000 calories.  Oh and another thing on running.  You really don't need to eat before you run unless you are running for more than a couple of hours.  Your body has fuel if you ate the night before (or earlier in the day if you are running at night.)  Now if you are running for more than an hour and it is warm like it is now, you want to be sure you have some water and preferably some gatorade or powerade to help replace what you sweat out.  But morning runs of an hour or less I just have a half a glass of cool water before I head out the door.  Now when I get home I have a glass of skim milk with chocolate syrup.  I take a lactose enzyme tablet with the first sip since I've developed some lactose intolerance.  Some folks might prefer soy milk or almond milk.  Anyway chocolate milk is a good recovery drink.  The 3 to 1 carb to protein ratio enhances glycogen replenishment into the muscles post workout.  Also provides a good amount of whey protein and casein.    That and a glass of water afterwards to wash it down is all I have till my morning coffee and Cliff bar 45 minutes later.  Anyway, weekdays it works for me.   Just trying to say that you don't need to feast after your workout.   And avoid the high calorie, high fat drinks as well.   Till next time,  enjoy the summer.

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