Saturday, July 28, 2012

Foot pain - Extensor Tendonitus

Adidas Adizero Adios
Well the Olympics got underway today.  So I spent much of the day watching coverage.  Started watching this morning after I got back from my long run.  Ended up cutting my run a bit short.  My schedule called for a run of 17 miles but I called it quits at at the halfway point.  Foot pain.  Seems the pain in my right foot that I mentioned last week is extensor tendonitus. Or at least that's what it seems to be.  Started last Saturday during the last seven or eight miles of my run.  Pain across the top of my right foot. Though I haven't noticed any swelling. I was wearing my Adidas's.   Monday I ran five miles in my Saucony's and had no problem.  Then Tuesday did a 10 mile run in my Adidas Adios(es) and the pain returned.  Part of the problem apparently is the Adidas Adizero Adios shoes were a bit too tight across the top of my foot.  The Saucony Grid Type A4s are bit lighter and tied a bit looser.  Last weekend I ordered a pair of Brooks Green Silence(s) in blue and yellow.  More room in the toe box compared to my Brooks Mach 11s and my Adidas's.  Weight about the same as the Adidas.  Heel to Toe drop is pretty similar as well.  Rested Wednesday and also Thursday to give my foot a little more time to recover.  Shoes arrived Wednesday night.  Friday ran five miles in the new shoes, a little bit of pain but not much of an issue.  The literature says the pain is noticeable when going uphill and downhill.  Though for me the uphill is much less of an issue than the downhill.  So today with the pain starting after the first mile and half or so I was debating whether to go the full distance or cut it short.  Finally decided to err on the side of caution and ended at 8.5 miles.  Since yesterday I have been doing some stretching exercises to stretch my calf muscles.  I have also been do some toe extensor exercises, found here:
Saucony Grid Type A4
Brooks Green Silence
Tonight I took some ibuprofen,  not really feeling much pain, but thought it might be helpful as it is an anti-inflammatory.  Hopefully on Monday, after a day of rest on Sunday, my foot will be feeling better.  

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Running, Diet and Weight (part 2)

The hottest part of the summer is here.  100 degrees or better for pretty much everyday till the end of August   Got to stay hydrated if you are going to be out there running.  And if you have any choice in the matter do your running in the early morning hours.  So much cooler then.  This morning I got up early and did an 18 miler.  Had a half glass of water before hitting the road.  Unfortunately took a little longer to get out of the house, so I didn't start until 6:15 AM.  Just 15 minutes before sunrise.  Anyway the night before I hid a couple of bottles of water that I had frozen earlier in the day.  Put them in plastic bags and hid them in some vegetation on my route.  Then this morning I took a 32 oz bottle of Powerade and put it in a bag and placed the bag in the back of my son's truck in my tree shaded driveway.  My route of 18 miles was actually a loop of 9 miles through my neighborhood and two neighboring ones.  So about six miles into the first loop I approached the location of my water bottles.  Seemed there was a gentleman sweeping the sidewalk in front of the flowerbed where my bottles were hidden. As I was running toward him I was thinking to myself. "Oh great, how am I going to do this?" So I slowed down to a walk just as he was leaving that spot.  Wiped my hands over my face as I looked up at the large stone plaque behind the flower bed then quickly reached in and grabbed my water bottle.  As for me drinking and running is a bit of a challenge.  I find it hard to run and drink.  So for the most part I walked while drinking my water.  Found a box set out for big trash day in front of a home and dropped my empty bottle and plastic bag in there.  I discovered previously that a bag is necessary to keep mud and plant debris off the water bottle as I often need to re close the lid and it's a bit of a challenge if the top of the bottle is dirty.   Anyway felt pretty good through the first nine miles.  Reached my driveway where my Powerade was waiting.  My time was bout 40 seconds over my marathon pace time (per mile).  With the heat and slowing to drink I felt that was pretty good.  Drank my powerade as I walked.  Saved some for later as 32oz is a lot to drink.  Especially if you are trying to run.  Finished it off over the next mile or so.   Sun was up and getting harder to avoid.  Lots of trees and two story houses on my route so much of my run is in the shade.  But by 8 AM it was getting a bit tougher to stay in the shade.  Felt pretty good throughout the last nine miles, but developed a pain in my right food.  Started wondering if I was in danger of developing a stress fracture.  Tried to keep from pounding my feet too hard on the pavement.   Did this by keeping my strides relatively short on the downhills rather than striding out.  Also tried changing my foot strike a bit from time to time.  Anyway didn't get any worse and felt fine after I got home.  So not too concerned about it.

Dr. Irwin Stillman created a height/ weight ratio table for distance runners. Dr. Stillman determined the average weight for the non-active man to be 110 lbs. for the first 5 feet of height, plus 5.5 lbs. for every inch over 5 feet. For non-active women, Dr. Stillman allotted 100 lbs. for the first 5 feet and 5 lbs. for every inch over. Having set up theses averages, he then determined ideal weights for runners. For middle distance runners (less than nine miles) the ideal weight is 12 percent lighter. For long distance runners (running more than 10 miles) the ideal is 15% less. Having run across this several weeks back I looked a some of the famous marathoners and seeing how they compared with Dr. Stillman's ideals.

Ryan Hall, runner up at the US Olympic Marathon trial this year, is 5' 10" tall, and weighs 130 lbs.

Meb Keflezighi, winner of the US Olympic Marathon trail this year, is 5'5" tall and 125 lbs.

Haile Gebrselassie, two time Olympic Champ in the 10,000 meters and holder of the world record in the marathon for three years is 5'5" and 123 lbs. 

Meb is 10% less, so a little heaver than Dr. Stillman's ideal. Haile is about 10.5% less. And Ryan Hall is a 21% less. Really skinny!

So for me to be at my ideal weight for the marathon, I would need to drop to about 148.5 lbs. Not sure I want to drop quite that far. I still do my pushups and would like to have some upper body muscles. So probably I will try to stay around 150. Getting close to that now.

Next race is the Midnight Streak, August 11. Not sure how I will do. Really no reason why I shouldn't run under 22 minutes (5K). Except that the temperature at start will be about 87 to 88 degrees. Anyway should be fun. Need to find some face paint to paint a Jamaican flag on my arm. The theme for this year's race is Cool-er Runnings (from the movie about the Jamaican bob sled team.) You can sign up for the run here:

Keep on running!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

running, diet and weight..(part one)

Alright here it is.  My promised blog on the the subject of diet, weight and running.  Let me start out by saying there is a ton of information out there.  Too much for one blog post. One personal note:  I weighed 182 lbs when I graduated from college.  At the start of summer I weighed 160.  I now weigh 152 lbs. 

 Exercise can help in losing weight but what is more important is watching what you eat.  Calories make a difference.  But let me say this.  I don't believe in dieting.  Changes to diet from day to day, yes, but not a week long or month long radical change from what you normally eat.   What I do believe in is small changes.  Changes you can live with.  Like changing from whole milk to 1% milk.  Or from 2% to Skim. (Skim extra is great!)  Stay away from simple carbs.  Avoid white bread, white rice and pasta (unless it is whole wheat.)  Of course eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.  If you want to eat bread, make sure it is 100% whole wheat or a bread that has at least the same amount of fiber and protein as 100% whole wheat bread.  Stay away from soda pop or at least cut back.  Cut down on juice.  Smoothies made with fruit and yoghurt are better. Just not every day. Drink plenty of water.  Keep junk food out of the house.  Better off snacking on fruit and nuts than cookies and candy.  Raw cashews, raw almonds, unsalted peanuts are nice.  Just don't eat too many at once.  Try not to eat in front of the tv or computer.  You won't feel satisfied as soon.  Better to  focus on what you are eating.  Then go watch tv or surf the web.  Also be sure that you eat some protein at each meal. You won't feel hungry right away if you do so. Doesn't have to be meat but that is one option.  Kashi cereals have good amounts of protein.   Beans, eggs, and tofu are also good sources of protein. Peanut butter.  Cheeses also have protein but be wary of those with a lot of fat and calories.  Don't overdo it with the shredded cheese.  Less is better.

Now running and other forms of vigorous exercise are helpful in losing weight.  My long runs on Saturday burn up close to 2000 calories.  Oh and another thing on running.  You really don't need to eat before you run unless you are running for more than a couple of hours.  Your body has fuel if you ate the night before (or earlier in the day if you are running at night.)  Now if you are running for more than an hour and it is warm like it is now, you want to be sure you have some water and preferably some gatorade or powerade to help replace what you sweat out.  But morning runs of an hour or less I just have a half a glass of cool water before I head out the door.  Now when I get home I have a glass of skim milk with chocolate syrup.  I take a lactose enzyme tablet with the first sip since I've developed some lactose intolerance.  Some folks might prefer soy milk or almond milk.  Anyway chocolate milk is a good recovery drink.  The 3 to 1 carb to protein ratio enhances glycogen replenishment into the muscles post workout.  Also provides a good amount of whey protein and casein.    That and a glass of water afterwards to wash it down is all I have till my morning coffee and Cliff bar 45 minutes later.  Anyway, weekdays it works for me.   Just trying to say that you don't need to feast after your workout.   And avoid the high calorie, high fat drinks as well.   Till next time,  enjoy the summer.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!  Another beautiful morning here in Oklahoma!  Nice little 5 mile run through the neighborhood.  Didn't see any interesting wildlife this morning other than the usual cats, dogs, squirrels and birds.  Got started a little bit later than usual.  Not like Monday.  That morning I saw a family of racoons in someone's drive. Not something I see everyday here in the heart of the city.  They watched me run by then scampered away.

First week of July is here but I won't quite reach 40 miles this week.  Next week though I'll be over 40 miles.  So not far off my schedule.  Should be hitting 50 miles a week by August. 

Last Saturday was the Purcell Lake Run down in Purcell, OK.  Very enjoyable 5K run.  Ran 22:20, which with the weather being on the warm side, I am quite content with.  Got third in my age group.  Ate some homemade strawberry ice cream and some homemade Butterfinger ice cream.  Mmmmmm.  Small town races are fun.  A nice change from the runs in the city.  But next month, I will be running in the Midnight Streak,  held at the fairgrounds in OKC.  Actually starts a little after 11 PM so not really a midnight run.  The event benefits the City Arts Center located at the fairgrounds.  Here's the link for more info:  Should be well over a thousand runners for this event.  I have to adjust my schedule a bit to accommodate these 5Ks.  Last Saturday I added an evening run, just 2 and a half miles.  Didn't want to drop too far below the last week's mileage.  Also did just a 3 and a half mile run Friday morning the day before the Purcell Lake Run.  Wanted to save a little energy for Purcell.  Next month I'll do a short run the morning of the day of the Midnight Streak. Now I'm thinking about running the Do-Wacka-Do Trail Run out near Erick, Oklahoma (September 12).  They have a 5K, 25K, 50K and 50 mile run.  Thinking about trying the 25K run.  Should fit pretty well in my running schedule.  Here's the link:  A bit of a drive from here so I may check with some old running buddies of mine to see if any of them are going.  

Well, next post will deal with eating, weight and running.  Till next time, Happy Trails to you!