Just a little over two months till my marathon. The last couple of weeks seem to have gone OK. Managed to get a 20 mile run in last Saturday. Pleased that I was able to finish it without pain or injury to cut my run short. 20 miles with an average pace of just over 8 minutes per mile. So all is good. Shortened one of my runs this week due to some discomfort, but today seemed to be relatively pain free. A little discomfort on the inside of one knee but nothing major. Did 14 miles at 7:41 pace. Right on target for my schedule. I've been going by the 3:15 Boston Marathon Training Plan in the book,
Run Less Run Faster .
books.google.com/books?isbn=1609618025 As I mentioned in my last post I haven't been doing the cross training except for my pushups and pullups. Also I don't have easy access to a track so I have not been doing the track repeats. Instead I just do two tempo runs in addition to my long run on Saturdays. I seem to be able to do the distances at the paces listed, so I think it is working for me. One other thing I don't do in my tempo runs, is that I don't do a slow cool down for the final mile. I have never seen any research that shows any benefit from a cool down jog after a workout, or in this case a tempo run. See the following:
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/15/health/nutrition/15best.html (Is the Exercise Cool-Down Really Necessary?) After my run I walk up the drive way, up the sidewalk and into my house. I make my chocolate milk. Drink that. Drink a little water. Write down my time. Then it's time to shower and get ready for work. Seems to be an adequate cool down.
I ordered another pair of shoes yesterday. I've been doing most of my running in a pair of Brooks Green Silence. For me they are a nice combination of a light weight, low heel, racing flat, yet still with enough fore foot padding for my old feet and ankles. Plenty of room in the toe box. Comfortable. And they are very Eco-friendly: 75% of the materials are post consumer recycled. Brooks has discontinued the Green Silence but there are still available online and now they are at closeout prices. $49.88 at Running Warehouse
http://www.runningwarehouse.com/catpagesale.html?ccode=SALEMS You should be able to find a discount code to knock off a couple more dollars. I ordered the blue and red this time, the blue seems almost lavender.
Monday is Veterans Day. So I will be running in the Veterans Day Freedom 5k Run held in Midwest City. A portion of the event proceeds will benefit the Warriors For Freedom Foundation. It's going to be cold so probably have to get out the black running tights, but I will be sporting a red white and blue knit cap. If anybody wants to join me, here is the link:
Till next time, happy trails and Sic'em Bears!
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