Happy Independence Day! Another beautiful morning here in Oklahoma! Nice little 5 mile run through the neighborhood. Didn't see any interesting wildlife this morning other than the usual cats, dogs, squirrels and birds. Got started a little bit later than usual. Not like Monday. That morning I saw a family of racoons in someone's drive. Not something I see everyday here in the heart of the city. They watched me run by then scampered away.
First week of July is here but I won't quite reach 40 miles this week. Next week though I'll be over 40 miles. So not far off my schedule. Should be hitting 50 miles a week by August.
Last Saturday was the Purcell Lake Run down in Purcell, OK. Very enjoyable 5K run. Ran 22:20, which with the weather being on the warm side, I am quite content with. Got third in my age group. Ate some homemade strawberry ice cream and some homemade Butterfinger ice cream. Mmmmmm. Small town races are fun. A nice change from the runs in the city. But next month, I will be running in the Midnight Streak, held at the fairgrounds in OKC. Actually starts a little after 11 PM so not really a midnight run. The event benefits the City Arts Center located at the fairgrounds. Here's the link for more info:
http://cityartscenter.org/Web_v2/?page_id=60 Should be well over a thousand runners for this event. I have to adjust my schedule a bit to accommodate these 5Ks. Last Saturday I added an evening run, just 2 and a half miles. Didn't want to drop too far below the last week's mileage. Also did just a 3 and a half mile run Friday morning the day before the Purcell Lake Run. Wanted to save a little energy for Purcell. Next month I'll do a short run the morning of the day of the Midnight Streak. Now I'm thinking about running the Do-Wacka-Do Trail Run out near Erick, Oklahoma (September 12). They have a 5K, 25K, 50K and 50 mile run. Thinking about trying the 25K run. Should fit pretty well in my running schedule. Here's the link:
http://www.dowackadotrailrun.com/ A bit of a drive from here so I may check with some old running buddies of mine to see if any of them are going.
Well, next post will deal with eating, weight and running. Till next time, Happy Trails to you!